No Code
Platform for Prompt Engineers

Supercharge AI prompts with knowledge and style, or simply explore semantically your content.

Enhance your AI prompts

Generic tools produce generic results. Let’s fix that.

Semantic Libraries

You ingest and store any content sources you find useful. We digest that content, and index it so that you can run semantic searches and enhance your prompts with relevant informational context to produce unique AI content based on your unique sources.

Learn how semantic libraries work in detail →

AI Personas

Use your own or third-party content to extract style traits that mimic how those pieces are written. You can then reuse them as styling contexts for your prompts to produce AI content that looks similar. You can further manually tweak them.

Learn more about using AI Personas →

Prompt Templates

Keep your best-performing prompts at hand using our free forever private repositories. You can also share individual prompts with the community or get inspired by other’s public prompts.

Learn about how to create a good prompt →Explore our free public AI Prompt Repository →

Not just for AI writing

Content research

Imagine you are writing the video script for your next YouTube video about vinegar and health. You have thousands of sources that you could use to search for information on that topic —a collection of books, entire websites, podcast episodes, or even your notes— that would be thousands of hours to go through!

When you ingest content into a Fewlogs semantic library, it is broken down into small text fragments that are searchable using natural language. When you search for “how does vinegar affect your health”, you would get fragments like the one below, extracted from a book in my library. Although the term health is not even mentioned, the semantic index knows that glucose spikes are bad for your health, and a text fragment mentioning that vinegar helps reduce it is quite relevant.

Using semantic search to find relevant content, even if the search term is not explicitly mentioned

Internal Linking

Running a website with thousands of pages can be overwhelming when it comes to linking pages internally. You could use your sitemap or category pages to find relevant pages for any new paragraph you are writing, but that can be time-consuming. If you ingest your website into a semantic library, every page content gets indexed. Then you can use the semantic search to find relevant pages to link to.

If you are writing a new article with a paragraph talking about layers of clothing, running a search on your website shows at least 3 different pages that could be relevant to the user when reading that paragraph.

Use of semantic search to find relevant pages to link to

Full transparency so you are in control

Enhance prompt-based models

Fewlogs assembles the perfect prompt for you, so you can run it wherever you need to. By using informational or styling context from Fewlogs, you can enhance your existing workflow.

Open and transparent

We never hide the details of your prompts like other writing tools. You have access to every bit of context that forms the prompt so that you can tweak it and tune it even further.

More control equals higher quality

What sets Fewlogs apart is that you can craft every aspect of the generation, from what text fragments go into the informational context of your prompts, to what styling traits are used to give the right tone to your generation.

Our principles

Fair pricing

Any prompt templates or workflows publicly shared by you will remain open and free forever. Only those aspects where Fewlogs adds value will be considered paid features —such as content indexing or persona analysis—. We use those resources to keep enhancing the platform.

Future proof

The language model of today might not be the number #1 choice of tomorrow. We focus on crafting prompts, so we can always choose what language model fits best at any time as the AI landscape evolves.

Who we are

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