Outrank your competitors

Enhance your SEO workflow with your content

AI content crafted by experts

Unique content

Ingest various sources of content into a Fewlogs semantic library. This is your competitive advantage, content that only you have.

Enhance your prompts with relevant informational context and generate unique articles that only someone with the same sources as you, can generate.

Templates for every SEO workflow

Access hundreds of curated AI prompt templates to automate various SEO workflows, such as article generation, engaging meta descriptions or titles, and internal and external linking with optimized anchor texts.

Content with proper links

Generate articles with hyperlinks out of the gate to semantically relevant internal pages on your website, or to authority external webpages that back up your claims.

Optimize anchor texts

The language model can also optimize the anchor text using these contextual text fragments, as opposed to only using the plain URL from sitemaps.

Use non-web content to win on the web

The best way to outrank your competitors in the search results is by having unique facts or opinions that no one else has. Especially important with the latest Google Core Updates and their new Search Generative Experience or SGE.

Multilanguage sources

Most language models understand many different languages, so why not use books written in French or Spanish YouTube channels to generate English content?

Topical authority

You become an authority on that particular topic when you cover a particular niche as extensively as you can. Help yourself by adding every single website, book, video, podcast or note that you can find about a specific topic into a semantic library, and let the magic happen!

Articles with personality

AI content that sounds like you

Use existing articles to create a Fewlogs AI Persona. These personas capture the writing style traits that identify your content and resonate with your current audience. Use them to enhance your prompts with the styling context that identifies your brand.

Imitate others

Each industry or profession has a particular jargon that its audience reflects. Use existing pieces of content to extract the style that defines their communication. You can then use that or add your personal touch to generate much more engaging content for that particular audience.

Evolve and scale

An AI Persona is a way of communicating broken down into individual style traits. Having those on paper, allows you to evolve on the traits you want while keeping the once that work well. Scaling up teams of editors is much easier as well since anyone can now produce content in a much more consistent way.

Use your website to

FAQs, Cheatsheets, Snippets

Use the semantic search to gather all the information available on your website about a particular term and create content mash-ups, such as FAQs and cheat sheets.

Page Similarity

Since every page's content gets indexed, finding similarities between pages or text fragments becomes trivial, regardless of how large your website is. You can now uncover high-quality natural links that your readers will engage with much more.

Forward and backward links

Semantic similarity works both ways, you can update old articles by finding similarities to paragraphs or sentences appearing in that old article, or finding old articles that contain related content to a paragraph in a new article you are writing.

Uncover Content Gaps

Using the semantic search on your large content base can help you discover gaps or badly worded concepts that should be refactored to better reflect how your audience communicates.

Not only for generation

Create topical maps, clusters and silos

Once you create a semantic library with expertly selected content, you now have access to a large base of concepts and insights that generic language models don’t know —their original training dataset is generally smaller—. Use that to create extensive topical maps that otherwise would be much harder to create.

Uncover potential user journeys

Use natural language to uncover natural references between different pages in your websites. This can help you analyze and discover potential user funnels that could convert well and keep your audience engaged.

Compared to other generic solutions

Knowledge is power

When you use models or tools that don’t allow for tweaking what specific writing style traits or selecting what text fragments make it to the AI generation phase, what differentiates the resulting content from everyone else?

In other words, two people trying to rank for the same search keyword will generate very similar content with the same generic facts if they use the same generic model. Adding unique facts from your semantic library that no one else has will produce unique and helpful content.

Avoiding factual mistakes for YMYL

When the language model is provided with specific text snippets and their source, they do a much better job and reducing factual mistakes than they would do otherwise. Especially important if you are in a “Your Money or Your Life” niche.

Opinionated content

Out-of-the-box AI content is neutral. It won’t express an opinion since it doesn’t have one. You can change this by adding opinionated content into a semantic library and using those fragments in the generation phase.

Avoid AI detection

Although Google has officially stated that they don’t penalize AI content —as long as it is written to be helpful for humans—, you can protect yourself from any future changes to this statement by making the generated content more unique and diverse.

Most AI detectors are based on either GPT or similarly trained models. If you bring up external knowledge to the table that GPT isn't aware of, it is much harder for it will be flagged as AI-written content by search engines. Unique content is king in the future of SEO.

Quantity vs Quality

While other solutions focus on one-click solutions, they often lack control over the generation process. Fewlogs focus on quality over quantity.

Not another SERP remix

Most tools crawl the top search result pages to inject updated content into the new article. The problem? Your content doesn’t add anything new to the SERP and you have more chances to be penalized by the latest helpful content updates by Google.