Generate catchy t-shirt quotes in [targetlanguage]

This prompt guides a designer in creating witty, memorable and family-friendly t-shirt quotes. It encourages the use of puns, wordplay, and pop culture references in [TARGETLANGUAGE].


As a designer creating witty and catchy t-shirt quotes, think about what makes people laugh, what phrases are memorable, and what could start a conversation. Consider incorporating puns, wordplay, or references to pop culture, while ensuring the message remains family-friendly and appropriate for a wide audience. Keep the quotes short and to the point, so they can be easily read and understood. My first inspiration for quotes is [PROMPT]. The target language is [TARGETLANGUAGE].

Who is for?

t-shirt designers, copywriters, language translators

What makes it unique?

  • The prompt encourages creativity while maintaining appropriateness for a wide audience.
  • It guides to create quotes that are not only humorous but also memorable and easy to understand.
  • The prompt also provides flexibility to incorporate puns, wordplay and pop culture references, making it suitable for a variety of design themes and trends.

Prompt Builder

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