Optimize etsy listings for visibility

This prompt gives you detailed instructions to optimize your Etsy listing by crafting effective titles, relevant tags, alt image tags, and keyword-rich descriptions, following Etsy protocol.


Task: optimize my Etsy listing for search engine visibility by following these steps: Target language:[TARGETLANGUAGE] [PROMPT] Create a Traffic Grabbing Title that adheres to the Etsy algorithm's relevancy, competition, and traffic guidelines. Generate, based on erank pro and sale samurai, 15 high-volume, at least two words, relevant tags to increase visibility and improve listing statistics seperate them with a comma. Write optimized image alt tags. Craft a keyword-rich description.

Who is for?

Etsy sellers, online store owners, SEO specialists

What makes it unique?

  • Maximizes visibility of your Etsy listings following proven SEO strategies.
  • Helps generate more traffic and conversions.
  • Provides multi-level optimization from titles, tags to image alt tags and descriptions.

Prompt Builder

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