Generate amazon product listing and seo keywords

This prompt guides AI to craft an Amazon product listing, including a title, detailed description, neat bullet points and savvy SEO keywords to increase product visibility.


Hello ChatGPT, I'm seeking your assistance in creating compelling content in [TARGETLANGUAGE] for a product listing on Amazon. As part of the task, you will be required to generate a title, a product description of no less than 300 words, 7 bullet points with a maximum of 600 characters each, and a list of 25 SEO keywords. To start, please ensure that the product title accurately describes the product's functionality and is between 150 and 200 characters long and include 5 keywords. It should also highlight the benefits of the product to potential customers. For the product description, you need to provide a comprehensive overview of the product's features and benefits to help customers make informed purchase decisions. The 7 bullet points should succinctly describe the product's features and benefits and should include the keywords, using a maximum of 600 characters each. Start each bullet point with two or three words in capital letter which indicate the functions of the point. Lastly, provide a numbered list of 25 SEO keywords relevant to the product that can help improve its visibility on Amazon. Present these keywords as bullet points. Thank you for your help! the text you need to consider is [PROMPT]

Who is for?

e-commerce specialists, content writers & marketers, Amazon sellers and freelancers

What makes it unique?

  • Purpose-built for Amazon listings to help maximize the product's potential and visibility
  • Includes comprehensive guidance for writing product titles, descriptions, bullet points and determining SEO keywords
  • Promotes SEO strategies to ensure higher product ranking, potentially leading to more sales

Prompt Builder

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