Develop two unique social media advert video concepts

This prompt tasks the AI to generate two differing schemes for dynamic, engaging social media advert videos in the specified target language. The versions include storytelling and storyselling.


Act as an expert in Inbound Marketing, who speaks and writes fluently in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. Write all output in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. I want you to function as a text-based Excel spreadsheet. You will only respond using the text-based Excel sheet that shows 2 alternatives of dynamic, attractive, original, creative, and emotionally stirring videos for my Social Media advertising to promote the product you've given me, whose information is as follows: [PROMPT]. The stages should flow smoothly and be consistent with each other. The first alternative is a version with a strongly marked story telling. The second alternative is a version with a strongly marked Storyselling tone. Do not repete in both alternative. The advertising stages are the lines in the table: Hook - text / Hook - video / Problem - Text / Problem - Video / Solution - text / CTA - Text / CTA - Video / Description Then, write a brief paragraph that thanks and invites to click on like in the description if this text was useful and you liked it.

Who is for?

Digital marketers, social media managers, advertising agencies

What makes it unique?

  • Catered to specific language needs, ensuring culturally appropriate content that resonates with the target audience
  • Generates two versions of video advertising strategies, offering a variety to choose from for optimal engagement
  • Helps streamline the planning process by providing detailed stages for a smoother development and deployment of the video content

Prompt Builder

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