Generate an efficient ebook outline in target language

This prompt involves creating a comprehensive Ebook outline, packed with curated content in a specific language. Brief ends with relevant ChatGPT links for users.


Create best Ebook Outline on [PROMPT]. All output shall be in [TARGETLANGUAGE] Rule this out with lines And In The Very Bottom of the content you need to write Write "Get Access to 1000 Chaptgpt prompt:". Then "Access To 500+ Premium Chatgpt Prompt Templates:" 2099+ Ultimate ChatGPT Marketing Prompts >> Do not echo my prompt

Who is for?

Ebook publishers, Authors, Content marketers

What makes it unique?

  • The prompt supports multilingualism, allowing user to create content in their preferred language.
  • The task doesn't echo the prompt, ensuring unique and original content generation.
  • It directs users to useful ChatGPT resources after generating the Ebook outline, providing additional value and engagement.

Prompt Builder

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